When university and school students go into the work force they need knowledge in their chosen field but their success will depend on their ability to persuade.
From job interview success, to being noticed and valued as the new worker in a company, pitching ideas to their manager, their ability to lead others, team work, negotiations with other departments or suppliers, and of course in any sales or marketing functions or tasks… their ability to succeed and the speed by which they will reach their own goals and that of the company, will depend on PERSUASION.
Universities and Schools can play an important role in enabling students to gain ethical persuasion skills that are essential for life after education and are industry recognised through the involvement of Dr Robert Cialdini.
The teachings of Dr Cialdini have made a big impact in businesses as essentially it deals in more optimal communication between people.
In this presentation we will give you a fascinating insight in the principles of persuasion as taught by Dr Cialdini and how they might be implemented in your day-to-day persuasion challenges in interactions with students, educators and selling your training to potential students.
In addition, you could have one of your own teachers become Certified with Dr Cialdini to offer training in-house or we could offer training to students in cooperation with you.
This session in which we represent the Cialdini Institute is NOT OPEN TO EVERYONE.
Access is restricted to those in roles at Universities and Adult Education Facilities who are involved in the acceptance, planning and coordination of their course offerings. Roles like:
We do realise this topic is of interest to you as an organisation, with its own persuasion challenges interacting with students, staff, potential clients and government, so we will also welcome those in leadership roles in your organisation. Roles like:
Patrick van der Burght, is a Cialdini Certified Coach and has over 20 years experience in this field and Dr Cialdini’s work. With the new formation of the Cialdini Institute, of which we are a founding member, we are making an active effort to reach out to the academic leaders to present the various opportunities this presents to educators like yourself.
So far in the US, the responses from Universities has been very positive. We hope to connect to educators in Australia, New Zealand and far beyond as of course education over the internet knows little boundaries.
We trust our presentation will be entertaining and eye-opening and would like nothing more than for you to connect with us afterwards to discuss opportunities.
We will then review your Linkedin profile that you qualify to attend and add you to our system which will notify you that you have been registered and which will remind you as the date comes closer.
EARLY Session
1st of November 2023 – 9am Melbourne time
Which means:
Tuesday, 31st of October 2023, 3pm for Los Angeles
Tuesday, 31st of October 2023, 5pm for New York
Tuesday, 31st of October 2023, 10pm for the UK
Tuesday, 31st of October 2023, 11pm for Central Europe
Wednesday, 1st of November 2023, 0am for Johannesburg
Wednesday, 1st of November 2023, 2am for Dubai
Wednesday, 1st of November 2023, 3:30am for Mumbai
Wednesday, 1st of November 2023, 6am for Singapore & Perth
Wednesday, 1st of November 2023, 9am for Melbourne & Sydney
Wednesday, 1st of November 2023, 11am for New Zealand
LATE Session
1st of November 2023 – 5pm Melbourne time
Which means:
Tuesday, 31st of October, 11pm for Los Angeles
Wednesday, 1st of November 2023, 2am for New York
Wednesday, 1st of November 2023, 6am for the UK
Wednesday, 1st of November 2023, 7am for Central Europe
Wednesday, 1st of November 2023, 8am for Johannesburg
Wednesday, 1st of November 2023, 10am for Dubai
Wednesday, 1st of November 2023, 11:30am for Mumbai
Wednesday, 1st of November 2023, 2pm for Singapore & Perth
Wednesday, 1st of November 2023, 5pm for Melbourne & Sydney
Wednesday, 1st of November 2023, 7pm for New Zealand
If you have colleagues you would like to have access, ask them to connect via Linkedin and register also.
Go to Linkedin and Connect with Patrick, then Message him for access to this event
Read more about this event