


Find here free insights in the art and science of ethical persuasion.

The But-You-Are-Free technique to be persuasive

The easiest way to be more persuasive - from Dr Cialdini An easy way to be more persuasive is to use the "But You Are Free" technique as mentioned by Dr Cialdini. A simple phrase that can be added to the end of a proposal which has shown to have amazing persuasive...

Scientist compromised by gifts and donations

SCIENTISTS JUDGEMENT CHANGED DUE TO PERSUASIVE GIFTS When it came to the safety of calcium channel blockers (a class of drugs for heart decease), a study found that 100 % of the scientists that were in favour of the drug, had received support, free trips, research...

135 Years between gifts – Influence Insights

Gift giving can create long lasting alliances After the 911 disaster in New York in which 3 buildings collapsed, the donations rolled in from many places. One donation stood out. The town of Colombia in South Carolina, which is only a town of about 115,000...

From underdog to market leader in 18 months

How do you take a good brand that has had a mishap and more or less destroyed their good standing with retailers, from underdog to leading brand in sales? That was what I was wondering when I took on the scuba diving drysuit brand Hot'n'Dry as a sales representative....