
1-Hour Keynote: Ethical Persuasion – The Ultimate Business Skill


Delivery of a 1-Hour Keynote Presentation: Ethical Persuasion – The Ultimate Business Skill
Pricing is to give you an indication of costs, based on a Melbourne delivery. Do not purchase this in this online shop; we need to look at the availability of dates/travel.  To aid knowledge retention and application, we often propose a combination of a Keynote with some more activity after the Keynote. We will put a proposal together for your situation and objectives.
See information on deposit payments, etc., below.


Ethical Persuasion – The Ultimate Business Skill 1-Hour Keynote

Science of Human Decision-Making and Ethical Persuasion can bring BIG results for a small investment of time. The same goes for the flagship Keynote ‘Ethical Persuasion – The Ultimate Business Skill’. In an hour, your team members will learn why their audience needs to hear the facts that matter and 7 valuable application strategies, one for each of the Principles of Persuasion.

Forbes, World Economic Forum, LinkedIn

World-leading organisations like the World Economic Forum recommend that business operators develop their team’s social influence or ethical persuasion. Persuasion skills, which are, of course, also important during negotiations and presentations. This makes a lot of sense when we consider a company’s investment in salespeople is made solely in the hope they will be persuasive. Still, research by Daniel Pink also shows that people ‘not in sales’ also spent 41% of their time on persuasion or influence-related activities. Considering the enormous investment in ‘persuasion’ time, the losses will unnecessarily continue to mount when staff members are not well educated on the available persuasion science.

Ethical Persuasion skills are the skills that allow us to get agreement where agreement is possible. Regardless if someone’s position is in sales, marketing, advertising, PR, HR or procurement, without knowing the science available, you will suffer unnecessary losses when it comes to:

  • Closing sales
  • Booking appointments
  • Enhancing collaboration
  • Building more loyal relationships
  • Securing budgets
  • Gaining approval for plans and projects


What is included in this Keynote?

In one hour, Patrick van der Burght will touch on the need to be persuasive and allow audience members to reflect on why this skill is so important and in demand. This, along with the fact that persuasion skills also help them in private life, will motivate them to want to learn and pay close attention with pens at the ready. The human decision-making process is explained, which reinforces the logic and why the Principles of Persuasion are so powerful.

We then touch on each of the seven Universal Principles of Persuasion (they apply to every culture and work in every language) and share a practical application strategy for each of them. These strategies have been specifically chosen because they occur in everyday business life very often and will therefor be able to use immediately. Per principle and strategy, some application tips are also shared.

What will be provided for this Keynote on Ethical Persuasion?

Your team will be given the following:

  • Cialdini Institute Certificate of Attendance for 1-Hour Keynote: Ethical Persuasion - The Ultimate Business Skill

    Cialdini Institute Certificate of Attendance for 1-Hour Keynote: Ethical Persuasion – The Ultimate Business Skill

    a handout so they have the slides with the rules of each principle and the application tips.

  • a Certificate of Attendance is available to each person present if they register their details immediately at the end of the keynote using their phones and a QR code we’ll show.
  • Attendees will be offered to register for access to an online community where they can ask questions, and
  • they will be able to access an entry level 7-day online course, featuring Dr Cialdini who covers some further insights on all 7 principles.
  • For a limited time perhaps, attendees are (currently) also given access to a trail of the professional level course ‘Ethical Influence Practitioner’. As part of this, they will be able to access a knowledge assessment to test their understanding, and learn from the first modules of this training with Dr Cialdini, including the module of CONTRAST which is not covered in the Keynote.

We think your team members will be excited by the impact that persuasion science can have on their day-to-day activities, whilst keeping it honest and ethical. Audiences are usually very excited, have a notebook full of their ideas and are then pleasantly surprised that the learning journey can continue that same day, if they like.

Regarding the investment in this Keynote

The prices shown on this site are for deliver of a 1-hour Keynote in Melbourne, South Eastern suburbs and the Mornington Peninsula at a venue/location you provide. Outside this zone, fees will need to be added for travel time and costs. We’d be delighted to have a conversation with you and design an optimal learning program for your team because by including some addition interactions, knowledge retention, application and your ROI will increase. We can then provide you with a proposal for local, interstate or international delivery of this keynote.

Clearly a date for the Keynote needs to be available, so payment by this site before that is agreed on would be premature.
Please speak with us about the best delivery of this information to your team members before making payments.
It is also possible to pay a deposit (+costs of fights if needed) and the balance some time before the event.
A settlement discount is also available for full payment when booking.

For some additional views about our Keynote, go here.
A 1-hour Keynote can also be turned into a 2-hour Application Workshop. To learn more about our Workshop options, which can be quoted on for in-company deliver, go here.

Additional information

How many attendees?

1-Hour Keynote 150-200 attendees, 1-Hour Keynote 100-149 attendees, 1-Hour Keynote 75-99 attendees, 1-Hour Keynote 40-74 attendees, 1-Hour Keynote 20-39 attendees, 1-Hour Keynote 1-19 attendees


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