
Suburbs have different levels of popularity. If your Real Estate office is outside the most popular suburbs, how do you stimulate a real estate bubble (increased sales in an area without the support of the majority of buyers) ethically? The science or human behaviour holds within it an ethical persuasion strategy that is ethical and to the benefit of buyers. This also works for new products or services that have few reviews from buyers.

The problem with a ‘hype’ in terms of real estate in a suburb is that when people believe of see the popularity (value) is increasing, they tend to follow the crowd. Other suburbs that are perhaps also growing in value and demand, might be a much better investment and have a larger increase of value over time… but buyers don’t follow the minority. Or do they?

Ethically stimulate a Real Estate Bubble in the suburbs around your Real Estate Office using the science of persuasion
A long time ago, Cialdini Certified Coach Patrick was active in Real Estate

How people normally buy based on the actions of others

Under normal circumstances, people tend to take the action of many other people as more valuable. This is a logical psychological reaction; If many people choose it, it must be a safe decision to do the same. This will explain why wealthy suburbs increase in value and demand, and why people start running when everyone around them starts running.

This decision trigger is correct most of the time and that is why people unconsciously are so drawn to it. This is why online reviews are so powerful to persuade people and nearly all people set the value of online reviews very high when buying things online.

How can we persuade people to follow the Home buying actions of a minority?

People won’t follow the actions of minority but if we can show them a developing trend, then they will. Let’s say a suburb in which your real estate office sells homes is one that is experiencing a increase in value. Perhaps even more so than surrounding suburbs. This would be a genuine sign for home buyers to consider when deciding where to buy a home. Behavioural science shows us that if we show people trend markers (how things are developing), they will project that trend to continue and be much more persuaded to act on it.

For this persuasion effort to work, the information must meet some criteria:

  • At least 3 trend markers / recorded facts should be presented
  • The time over which these markers were taken, needs to span a reasonable time.

This means that if you think you’re going to persuade people by telling them that over the last week (short period) buying patterns show a higher than average value increase that surrounding suburbs… then you will be disappointed because a week is clearly no time to come to such a conclusion.

Would you have this date over a longer period of time, let’s say 6, 9, 12 or 18 months, then the more persuasive it will be to make your point.

The video below will explain the science in more entertaining detail.

Are there other lessons in the science of persuasion that can be used in Real Estate?

Of course and they work in all businesses and privately, because persuasion deals with ‘people’ communication. We train people and businesses in the ethical persuasion knowledge as taught by Dr Cialdini, the world’s most respected expert on persuasion. He identified 7 principles of influence. Social proof, which the above falls under, is therefor only one principles. You have 6 more psychological triggers that help people to move in your direction when it’s in their favour to do so. All you need is a short course that included coaching to not only ‘hear’ how this works, but more importantly ‘practice’ how this works to develop a skill you will confidently and successfully use.

Check out the Ethical Influence Practitioner accreditation course (This also boosts your authority with potential listings you are trying to sign up) with coaching included. Your Cialdini Certified Coach Patrick van der Burght has 20+ years experience in persuasion and has a background in Real Estate to help identify with your work.

Or, don’t be shy, book a FREE strategy call and let’s discuss how we can help your business the best way.