
RECOMMENDED BY A HERO – It is wonderful to be recognised and recommended by the Dr Robert Cialdini, who really has been a hero of mine for nearly 25 years now. I remember in what mind space I was at the time I bumped into Dr Cialdini’s work in Ethical Persuasion…

I was an external sales representative in Australia and took care of a very large area for a scuba diving equipment wholesaler. Retailers liked me but I felt I wasn’t getting the sales results I should. Pained by the question how to get better at ‘selling’ but held back by my ethics because I didn’t want to pressure of deceive anyone.

My library slowly expanded… Brian Tracy I liked, Tony Robbins… Goodness I loved his ‘PowerTalk’ series. Thousands of dollars the education material on cassette tape cost back then. My car was a rolling university but nothing gave me any real break through in business.

A business consultant (John McDonalds) lend me a series of tapes of a US conference that Dr Cialdini was part of and I immediately loved it. It explained how and why what you say and how you say it works, and all from an ethical angle. It worked so well in my industry (it does in any industry) and I did very well with it… and so did my retailers.

Dr Robert Cialdini recommends his Cialdini Certified Coach Patrick van der Burght
Dr Robert Cialdini recommends his Cialdini Certified Coach Patrick van der Burght

I ended up assisting them much more in store. This boosted sales but saw them reciprocate the kindness with higher stock levels of my brand and taking on new product in stock. I taught their staff about sales and later Influence after I received permission from Dr Cialdini back in 2000.

Now, with the new training system designed by Dr Cialdini, it has inspired me to launch back into Influence consulting and teaching more actively. The new learning program (Ethical Influence Practitioner) is brilliant, especially because it recognises that gaining information (reading a book, watching a presentation) can inspire but science shows we will often loose 90% of that information within a week. You won’t use it. The new system recognises this and encourages strongly that students receive coaching from a Cialdini Certified Professional/Coach like myself.

My students are doing so well with the new system. Really getting it. You can see the transformation after week 3… the penny drops… they get it… they start to see the influence triggers easier and easier, till it will be a reflex.

I look forward to working with more individuals and business in Australia, New Zealand, Asia and the Middle-East.

Bas Wouters (CEO of the Cialdini Institute) and Patrick van der Burght
Bas Wouters (CEO of the Cialdini Institute) and Patrick van der Burght

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Patrick van der Burght

Read more about my personal earn experience with influence, here.

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